Be Productive, Not Busy
“Ifthe ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place fasten “ — Stephen Covey
Working for 12 hours doesn’t mean anything if you are working on the wrong things. You should work on things that move you toward your goals.
Don’t start climbing a ladder and then halfway you look around and realise that you’re climbing the wrong ladder. Work on your own dreams, not the dreams of others.
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Be productive, not busy. There is no reward for being busy all the time. Don’t be busy just for the sake of being busy. Be productive instead. Work on things that move you tbwards your goals, not away.
Yes, some tasks can’t be done faster no matter how hard you try but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn ‘t try at all and keep waiting.
Don’t confuse your laziness with patience. Patience and laziness are very different. Don’t mix them. You must put in the work every day, and then you should be patient with the results.
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A Story of Great Patience
A farmer once planted a bamboo tree. The farmer watered the crop daily for a year but saw no sign of life. No growth, no sprouts, no hope. The second year was the same as the third and fourth years.
His patience and faith in this “miracle” bamboo plant faded. During the fifty year, just as he was about to give up on his dream of growing the plant, he noticed it sprout. The bamboo sprung up 60 feet over the next six weeks!
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Learn To say No
“Half of the troubles of this life can he traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough. “
-Josh Billings
If you want to take better control of your life and time, then you must learn how to say no when you want to say no. We often say yes, even if we don’t want to, just because we don’t want to make the other person sad.
You accept everything other people want you to do, but you only have finite energy and time. If you say yes to every opportunity, invite, and work
you’re asked to do, you will soon start to feel burdened by it. To appease others, you will lose yourself in the process.
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Do the Hard Thing First
“The cold water doesn ‘t get warmer if you jump late. “
Here’s a simple tip to become more productive and feel better: the hardest work you have for the entire day should be done firy.
No matter how hard it is, it needs to be done first. Whenever you start working, write all the things that need to be done, pick the hardest and most complicated task, and immediately start doing the task.
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Don’t Worry
“I am an old man and have known many troubles, most of which never happened. “
-Mark IWain
Worrying loves a lazy person because a lazy person has nothing else to do except worry. Since they aren ‘t doing any work, all they can do is worry about the future. If you believe in yourself, then there is no need to worry. When you don’t believe in yourselP The worry starts to appear. All types of negative thoughts start to enter your mind. You start worrying about things with a very low chance of happening.
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